Master Tantric
Authentic Tantra


At Master Tantric, we believe in providing exceptional services while maintaining complete transparency about our rates. Our pricing structure reflects our commitment to delivering high-quality experiences tailored to your needs and desires.

Individual Service Rates

We offer various tantric massage services to cater to various preferences and goals. Each service is designed to awaken your senses, deepen your connection with yourself and unlock new realms of pleasure and self-discovery.

Base rates

Time Incall Outcall
1 Hour 250 300
90 Mins 400 450
2 Hour 500 600
+1 Hour 250 300

How to make a booking

Step One: Selecting Your Therapist

Begin by determining the level of expertise you desire from your guide, premium therapist or elite therapist. Be aware that the hourly rate for elite tantric therapists commands an additional honorarium of £50 per hour for their unparalleled skill.

Step Two: Choosing Your Session Type

Decide between the two available session types: incall or Outcall. Incall sessions are hosted at our therapist’s professional and tranquil space, offering a dedicated environment for your tantric journey. Conversely, outcall sessions bring the serene and transformative experience of tantric massage to your preferred location, home, or hotel. Please be aware that choosing an Outcall session incurs an additional fee of £50 per hour for its convenience and personalised setting.

Step Three: Secure Your Appointment

With your preferences in therapist and setting clear, and after acquainting yourself with our booking terms, you’re set to secure your session. Contact our dedicated reservation line or utilize our streamlined online booking platform. Our welcoming team stands by to assist with any inquiries or special requests you might have.

Call, WhatsApp, Email Or Book Online

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Our team are ready to help, ask us a question about your desired massage, masseuse or make a booking.